Sweet Angel of Mine


Sweet Angel of Mine" is truly a special song. It's a Mama lovin' song that speaks to the mother and daughter in us all. I really think it is powerful as well as beautiful. I first heard it in my car on a disk of possible songs to cut...and I had to pull over cause it moved me so much. When I performed it at super soap...I was moved again by the audience reaction to the song. Both nights the fans were brought to tears. The message is strong and loving and says what we all feel. The email and mail I have received has been just wonderful and heartfelt. Please let me know what you think. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed singing it. Call your local radio stations and ask them to play it. If they can't get it...tell them to buy it cause you want to hear it.

Love to all you "Sweet Angels" of mine,

"Sweet Angel of Mine" Video from OLTL
Featuring Blair & Riley
Video of Kassie singing "Sweet Angel of Mine"
at Super Soap Weekend 2004

Lyrics To Sweet Angel of Mine

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featuring "Sweet Angel of Mine"

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