Ask Kassie

December 2003

1.) How are you?   I bet  you are busy taping the show. I have been a fan of yours since you were on GL as Chelsea!  I have really enjoyed hearing you sing on GL and OLTL.  Is there going to be a cd of all the songs that you have sung on GL and OLTL? Also, Heart Outta Hand?  I really do hope so.
T Feldkamp

Kassie:  Hi...Tami,  On my last cd you will find 2 songs that were sung on GL.  I am hoping they will feature my new music on the show.  We will see. 


2.) Dear Kassie
Do you think that Laura Koffman (Cassie OLTL)will return to One Life to Live and have a storyline with some Llanview Residents in the near future?

Kassie: I don't know Johnny...It is always a pleasure to see and work with Laura.  And is she just beautiful or what?


3.) Hi Kassie,
If you were to cross on another ABC soap as Blair, where would you go and who would you love to work with?
Jeannette Caserta

Kassie: I would love to work with Robin Christopher again.  And I love Jane Elliot.


4.) Congratulation on your 10 years at OLTL.   I love watching you played Blair probably as much as you love playing her.   I have to ask, in all the story lines that you were involved in the past ten years, was there any one story that, if you could, you would change for Blair and how would you write it?

Kassie: I wish during Todd and Tea days the writers had not taken away so much of her life and given it to Tea.


5.) Dear Kassie, 
Hi!  From Macungie, PA.   I would like to know if you are going to be at Fan Fair  in 2004 ?  Did you enjoy being in Nashville  for the big event?
Renee Bloch

Kassie: Yes, I will be there... we have a Fan Club Luncheon there too!


6.) Dear Kassie,
There are not many scenes with Blair and the kids together. Would you like to have more scenes with the kids ?I think there is a good balance with the children and adults.
Sarah Peddle?

Kassie: I think there is a good balance with the children and adults.


7.) Dear Kassie.
Thinking back to the events that took place during LIVE week I was curious, if YOU were to decide a scene for Blair what would it be about and why?
Monica Blom,Solna, Sweden.

Kassie: I'm not a writer...I feel confident in their hands.


8. Dear Kassie,
Do you think "Todd and Blair" will have another child together, or do you think their baby making days are done?

Kassie: You know Blair... if she thinks of sex she gets preggers.  But I hope not.

9.) Dear Kassie it was so good to meet you at abc 3 weeks ago. I don't know if you'll remember me one of the girls asked if I wanted a photo with you. Do you think blair will forgive todd and give him another chance.
Cindy Grapentine

Kassie: I don't know...she forgave him for the baby we will have to see.

10.) Hello Kassie,
I think you are a wonderful actress and I love your portrayal of "BlairCramer" on "One Life To Live." Do you intend on keeping up your role on the show despite the other actors, including James, that have been let go or "killed off"? I hope you will be staying, because you are a wonderful asset and talent on the show! Also, do you like the portrayal of Trevor's dual role as "Flynn" and "Walker"/"Todd"?

Kassie: Actors don't really get a say on whether they stay on a show or not.  In James's case...they fired was not his choice.  David Fumero chose to leave.  If I stay on OLTL it will be because everyone is happy with me being and the network.  I think Trevor did a super job in the dual role...but I'm glad to see it end.  I think he is a great recast of Todd and had some big shoes to fill and did so beautifully.


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