1) What a beautiful week I spent in the San Francisco Bay area
doing a new NoNo infomercial. This one is going to be beautiful
As you can see from the photos. The NoNo is selling like gangbusters
and it continues to be the number one beauty infomercial in the
entire world!!
am very proud to be a part of the NoNo team and to represent such
an awesome product. We shot the infomercial in the Oakland, California
area. We stayed in the Berkeley, California area which was quite
nice. The only bummer of the week is my clothes were stolen out
of the car in Berkeley. I guess that means I get to go shopping
now. The two gals in the photo are Sam and Kaylin... they are the
NoNo team that pulled it together and get me in line. We had a fun
girls week as we worked.
I was there I received a call from GH's executive producer Frank
My friend
And he said there is something coming
up on the canvas for Blair. I guess it must be true because Carolyn
Hinsey tweeted that I would be coming back for a "nice stint".
I'm not sure what that means exactly
But maybe that's a good
sign. I'm always excited to put Blair's hat back on and to walk
in her shoes. GH is looking good these days.
spent the weekend recovering
And cooking. The
fall is kicking up and is in full speed. The colors are fantastic.
hope everyone is having a great beginning of the fall. I wish everyone
well and can't wait to hear your thoughts on the upcoming GH run.
Until next time....
